Tara’s time table
5 am
Sidhu, Jaan, Suman, Javed, Suraj and Sunil wake up and go straight to their Tae Kwon Do class in the park nearby.
6 am
The care taker wakes the other children up. Everybody brushes his teeth and goes for a 15 mn jogging in the park, apart from our smallest guys Lokesh and Sameer who sleep a little longer.
6.30 am
The prayer starts: "I am a student of Tara. I am equal to every men and women on Earth. I love and respect myself. I love and respect all beings. I tell the truth. I am a good person and today I will work to become an even better one." Cereals, fruits, Complan and milk for everyone, uniform check and the children, split in 5 teams, leave for school by bus or autorickshaw.
8 am
School. The children study in 5 reputed shools in South Delhi:
2 pm
Back to Tara, supervised by our Education Coordinator. The children get quickly rid of the "How was school?" question. They are hunry and tired. Lunch prayer "I believe I can fly".
3 pm
Nap time. Awaken since early morning, the kids literally collapse.
4 pm
Sport in the park, mainly consisting in fighting and running after a ball. When it’s too hot, we do yoga under the fans. Time to unleash the pressure.
5 pm
Homework time. The boys are divided in 7 differents small groups, each of them placed under the supervision of a teacher or a volunteer.
7 pm
Diner,Prayer "Whatever happens, we all are together ".
8 pm
In room N°1, the night staff reads a story to the smallest ones, who generally fall asleep after 5 minutes, which economically allows us to read the same stories over and over. In room N°2, Sidhu reads for the medium guys who want to know the end. In room N°3, the big ones talk about different subjects: girls, girls and girls
9 pm
Lights off
Posted on 05 November 2008