All these children come from very vulnerable situations
Living with or without their parents, these children have faced such level of vulnerability that a placement had to be ordered, as a measure of last resort.
These children, “in need of care and protection”, are officially under the care of TARA through a placement order from the Child Welfare Committee, the judiciary body formed for children who are either abandoned, orphaned, voluntarily given away by parents, or lost and who are in need of care on issues relating to growth, protection, treatment, development, and rehabilitation.

16 years of existence

2265 direct & indirect beneficiaries

419 individual sponsors
Each TARA Home has a maximum capacity of 20 children, in order to ensure:

Individual care
A qualified team of professionals, devoted to the children’s well-being, ensure the progress of each child that is regularly reported to the Child Welfare Committee. We also enroll each and every child in English medium private schools.

A quality education in Hindi and English
The daily tuition and English classes at TARA help the children catch up with the level of their classmates and increase their self confidence. They understand that it is through education that they will achieve their independence and be able to help in turn their families and communities.

A safe and family-like environment
Life in certain slums has heavy consequences on the physical and psychological well-being of the children; TARA’s first achievement is therefore to rescue and protect the children in a safe place they can call home. They receive a balanced and nutritious diet and complete health care.
Various extracurricular activities
Music, dance, architecture classes, French, self defense or writing workshops, these activities develop numerous qualities and contribute to their open-mindedness. Eventually, they allow each child to shine in different fields.
Since the launch of TARA Boys in 2008…
TARA has been able to grow and expand its actions by opening TARA Tots, TARA Big Birds and TARA Girls.All the homes are located in South Delhi, in secure neighbourhoods. They are close to each other so that the children can meet regularly, especially if they are siblings, and are welcomed in different TARA homes.
First TARA Home, opened in 2008 to rescue and raise 20 boys from 6 to 18 years old.
Today, all the Boys speak English and are mainstreamed in some of the best schools of Delhi. The values they learn in TARA help them become the gentlemen they wish to be.
A children's home opened in 2012 that welcomes 20 very young children,boys and girls, aged 2 to 10.
The early separation from their families leaves the little ones in a state of shock, while the violence they witnessed or were subject to at such a young age can leave a deep psychological impact. Most children who arrive at TARA Tots require immediate and urgent medical care. Once they are physically out of danger, the emotional adaptation of the children to their new environment can start.
A children's home opened in 2015, accommodating 20 girls aged 6 to 18.
The program is rooted in the struggle for women’s rights. Girls in New Delhi, “rape capital” as quoted by the Indian press, are particularly vulnerable. The TARA Girls have often faced multiple forms of abuse and violence before being rescued. They suffer from a lack of confidence and poor self esteem.
Besides psychological guidance, quality schooling and various extracurricular activities, the TARA Girls are in this way encouraged to believe in themselves and to become “strong women” through education.
Our commitment is to support them towards a future where they will be agents of change, helping to create a more just society that respects women's rights.
This is an after-care program for young adults who grew up in TARA Homes. It allows them to pursue higher education or vocational training. .
Who said we become independent the day we turn 18?! The young adults who grew up in TARA, as many boys and girls their age, have to learn handling their brand new freedom, their studies, the choices they have to make for themselves… They live in an independent flat and are gradually encouraged to gain their independence and contribute to their daily expenses. Meanwhile, TARA provides them material, psychological and educational support until they fly with their own wings.
TARA Big Birds aims to encourage their independence while providing the support they need to make the transition to adulthood. It enables them to develop their skills, prepare for independent living and build a promising future.
Protected and encouraged, the children are able to catch up with the level of their classmates and increase their self confidence
These children, whose destiny was written on the pavement or under the tarps of unsafe slums in Delhi, are now able to bridge the gap and become skilled and confident students. They understand the freedom and potential that education offers. The children are often very studious, whose behaviour and conscientiousness is praised by their teachers.